
This is where I display my shining beautiful geocities finds.
In geocities tradition I must inform you that this page is *under construction* and I'll organise the links later maybe.

ilike_greenthingst -A beautifully preserved piece of mid 00's So rAnd0m culture. The "about me" page is particularly beautiful.

anelahmetovic -Wonderful "Dolls" site, very well preserved. The "quotes" page is incredible.

estherlo23- a collection of ringtones for Nokia phones for you to manually enter into your personal mobile/cell phone.

Magelaw- A young man's site on his ideas of magick and the occult. The links page will take you to a number of other interesting places. It also has sick af DBGT gifs.

Toastmanchris-Another well preserved example of early/mid 00's So rAnd0m culture. Lots of images typical of the era. Contains a very prescient page where he pretends he's a skeleton.

queenofvegetasei-Although much of the art is broken on this site, it's a lovely example of the female Dragon Ball fandom on the early 00's geocities. Including fanfiction.

bjgjlf28- Not even a page, just an index of low res Dragon Ball scans and gifs from 2002 to 2009. Anime was crucial to geocities, but Dragon Ball was by far the king.

Cell's Heat - Another relatively well preserved DBZ site. Lots of .gifs ripped from games.

The Sailor Moon Home Page- Not very well preserved but has some nice scans. Note the drop down menu of free anime themed email addresses

bellamunieca- A spanish site with a collection of very unusal anime style "Dolls". There's more in the index.

islaymissed- A personal site that covers everything from BF1942 mods to conspiracies. Interestingly, theres a reference to something that really happened at a school near me when I was a child on the front page.
A kid getting a strip-o-gram sent to his class for his birthday.

Koibito Archives- A site where people claimed anime boyfriends before anyone else. Tumblr was over a decade late.

hawkmon02-Just a very nice digimon fan site.gato

Angemon and TK- A Digimon site dedicated to Angemon and TK.

The Sick Bay-extremely simple Star trek Voyager site with one cool gimmick. You can turn the doctor off!

CUTIE HONEY- A rare but broken example of a Cutie Honey English fan site

Namiko's Cute Anime Mall- This anime site is basically empty, but I've added it here because you can enter your name and thats really cool

Inokuma's Page of Anime and Stuff!- A fairly complete evangelion themed personal website. Includes winamp skins and poetry

~*Xena2010*~'s Kicking Xena Webpage- a super well preserved Xena fan site!

The Insane Goth- An incredible Juggolo site complete with poetry

Tux Rini Bashing- Just some kids bashing Tuxedo Mask

Hillary Happiness

-Some ancient Hillary Duff fansite drama

Truely, Madly, Deeply: A Shrine To Goten and Bra - This site hasa few redesigns, check the different years to see them. Also follow the links for a few other well preserved sites by the same person, including a LOTR fansite.

Quickening's Chambers- Amazingly preserved anime shrine with a some beautiful erotic fan art.

Sweet Anus Anime Garden- a beautifully preserved site with fan art, original drawings and photos of the webmaster!

The Personal Page of Laura- a lovely spanish "Candy Candy" fan page

Yellow Rose Petals- Very nice Sailor moon fansite dedicated to Michiru and Haruka containing some great yuri fan art

Mystic- the original NFT